The Bone Studio and Gallery ... Facebook


Orders ...

Now that you are enthralled by the wonderful carvings available here at The Bone Studio & Gallery, you want to order something, right? Excellent!

Please bear in mind that none of the artists displayed enjoy mass production. We would all prefer to do each piece at least slightly different.

This means that the carving images on this site may or may not be available so an e-mail or phone call to confirm availability (and identify the pack and post charge) is necessary!

Having said that, please feel free to enquire/order anything you see, change something a little (or a lot!), send your own design (no matter how rough), choose your own material, artist and size of piece or ask us to create something from just a concept! We will then come up with a complete design and as accurate a quote as possible.

For many commissions, we require a 20% deposit up front with the balance cleared through our bank before the piece is sent. Within reason, we can photograph and send/e-mail the finished piece for approval.

Currency Exchange

NZ$ Calculator
Courtesy of Discover NZ
and American Express

You can then pay us the following ways. Remember, we are a small, quality organisation and New Zealand banks and internet providers are a little primitive.

Payment via PayPal
(Credit card or your PayPal account)


Please confirm with "The Bone Studio" that your order (or commission)
is available and on hold, as well as your purchase price in US$
BEFORE clicking the Buy Now button. PayPal will ask you to enter
the description and price before confirming your payment.


Secure Server

Payment via Credit Card
(Visa and MasterCard)

Required Information

Postal Address:
E-mail Address:

Order Details

Confirm Order Details:
(and add comments)

Credit Card Details
(Visa or MasterCard ONLY)

Name on card:
Card Number:
Expiry Date:

Payment via Western Union Money transfer

Payable to:

Send Orders To

Charge by Phone!
We have arranged to accept credit cards for purchases. However, as our products are all originals, we ask that you e-mail or phone to confirm availability and provide your credit card details.

Remember, time in New Zealand is currently GMT +13!

Time in NZ
(based on your clock and UTC)

Please note that phone and fax are considered more secure but, as we area small business, we are not a target for e-mail fraud so you can feel safe using e-mail to transmit these details as it is more convenient and less expensive!

Mail: The Bone Studio and Gallery
133 Talbert St
Alexandra 9320
New Zealand

Please include all details -- and don't forget your e-mail address!

The address of the cardholder must be the same as the mailing address for the carving. We will send your purchase (with any instructions for its care) as soon as the payment clears.


SSL Certificate

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